You Have Two Options (and you must pick one)



Hello Reader,

Two Options

You have two options; the first one is to help your least favorite friend, who is a hoarder, move from their home to a two-bedroom apartment, or read this email and learn about how to show up with a Signature Style Online!

I don't know about you, but I chose reading this email!

Hell No To The Hoarder

I am not a fan of helping people move, and a hoarder takes it to a whole other level.

So what is one thing that you can do as you start to develop your Signature Style, its an easy one, you need at least one visual component of your Signature Style.

The Visual Component

What is a Visual Component?

A visual component of your Signature Style is a distinct element that your audience instantly recognizes, prompting them to stop scrolling when they see it. It could be a sparkly hat, bold eyewear, a fun scarf, or unique sneakers—anything that visually sets you apart.

How to Choose a Visual Component

Select a visual element that can naturally be incorporated into your videos—something noticeable but not overly distracting. The goal is to create a visual cue that signals to your followers that it’s your video, making them stop scrolling the moment they recognize it.

Make sure your visual component is uniquely yours—don’t be afraid to choose something weird, different, or fun. Pick an item you can wear or include in the majority of your videos. It doesn’t always have to be the exact same thing, but it should be consistent enough to become a signature part of your style.

Here are some examples:

  1. A Bold Scarf: Incorporate bold scarves into your videos, either by wearing different ones or styling them in various ways.
  2. Office Supplies: Make a specific binder, notebook, or pen your go-to accessory—something that’s always with you and instantly recognizable.
  3. Signature Color: Choose a signature color that consistently appears in your videos. Whether it’s in your clothing, background, accessories, or even a filter that highlights it, this color will become a defining element of your brand.

Using Your Visual Component

Incorporate your visual component into your content as often as possible. Ensure that videos featuring this element are either highly valuable or carry strong emotional appeal. You want your audience to associate your visual component with value and personal connection. Get creative in how you use it, making sure it stands out and gets noticed.

Have Fun

Your visual component is one of the most enjoyable aspects of your Signature Style. Choose something you can truly have fun with, and don’t be afraid to play around with it in your content. Embrace the process and enjoy every moment—because having fun is a key part of what makes your style uniquely yours.

Want to Learn More?

It is time you go from the best-kept secret on social to being completely booked!

Join the ​Free Workshop: Developing Your Signature Style to Increase Your Leads​ on Thursday, September 19, at 10:00 AM EST, and discover:

  • Why your Signature Style is the key to success on social media.
  • How to build a strong foundation that allows you to show up uniquely and get noticed.
  • How your Signature Style will help you reach more of your audience.
  • The first steps to start implementing this strategy immediately after the workshop.

Don’t miss this opportunity—click below to sign up!

Keep Creating,


27 Oakwood Blvd, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603-4111
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