Who's Afraid Of Little Ole Me?



Hello Reader,

Laying In Bed with COVID...

I am laying in bed with COVID as I write this and wanted to share how I overcame some fears last week being an active participant in the Podcast Movement 2024 Conference! And sure COVID is no fun but I still need to celebrate the small wins of showing up, talking to new people, listening more than talking, and experiencing a totally new experience without shutting down!

This is a lot for someone who has generalized anxiety, but also intense social anxiety especially in group situations! And because its a lot it deserves a small (gelato filled) celebration!

Common Fears Faced By Entrepreneurs

Today, I want to talk a little bit about the common fears we all face as entreprenuers, many of which keep us from showing up on social media to promote ourselves and our business.

Fear of Failure: Is an intense fear of being judged negatively by others. It can cause you to avoid activities or scenarios that could lead to failure, and may prevent you from trying new things, taking risks, or growing. The fear can be so strong that it can lead to putting off tasks, not using your talents, and undermining your own success.

How to Overcome: There are many different ways to overcome this fear but here are four key things that have helped me. I am especially fond of the second one.

  • Acknowledge your fear: Accept that you're afraid and understand what you're afraid of. You can write down your fear and any associated thoughts to help get it out of your head.
  • Reframe failure: Instead of seeing failure as a negative outcome, try to view it as a learning experience and an opportunity to grow.
  • Practice self-compassion: Be kind and forgiving to yourself when you fail.
  • Set realistic expectations: Unrealistic expectations can often lead to fear of failure.

Fear of Public Speaking: Glossophobia, also known as public speaking anxiety or speech anxiety is a common anxiety faced by potentially 75% of all humans. Those with this fear with have intense anxiety when faced with speaking in public or may avoid it at all costs.

How to Overcome: Once again there are many diffferent ways to overcome this fear, and every person is different however, it is been my experience that the more you practice the easier it becomes, so keep practicing! Here are some other strategies that may work:

  • Stop aiming for perfect
  • Practicing but not memorizing
  • Being prepared for the worst
  • Considering what questions the audience may ask and having your responses ready
  • Shifting your focus away from yourself and onto your audience

Fear of Success: I know many of you are rolling your eyes but this is a very real fear. Fear of success is when you have an ongoing fear of succeeding, so much so that you might be inadvertently self-sabotaging. It’s not that you think you’re incapable of succeeding. It’s more about the fear of change that may come from success!

How to Overcome: As is the case for all of these fears, you need to first recognize the source or root of where this fear is coming from and then try some of these tactics for overcoming it.

  • Ask yourself, what am I afraid of? Is this likely to happen? And if it did happen, how would I cope with it?
  • Switch from negative thoughts to reframing them as positive thoughts. Remind yourself of your worth and your abilities regularly.
  • Find a mentor in your field to help you navigate your path to success with more confidence.
  • Make it a point to celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Acknowledging and celebrating successes can foster a positive attitude towards success.
  • Set Realistic Goals: You may need to break larger goals into smaller tasks.

That is just a few of the fears we all face as entreprenuers, let me know if one of them really hits home for you? I know they all do for me as they have all been a part of my journey!

Remember: This is new for all of us! You got this!

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