Use Your Content Pillars to Book More Clients



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Let's chat about LevelingUp your social media presence and book more clients by tapping into your Signature Style?

The key to standing out in today’s crowded online space is to confidently showcase your expertise in a way that resonates with your audience. One way to do this is to use content pillars.

🔑 Why You Need Content Pillars

Content pillars function as the foundation of your Signature Style and help you develop a message tht will stand out in all the noise. Content pillars help you:

  • Consistently focus on what you specialize in and drive home your expertise.
  • Simplify your content creation by giving you clear topics that tie directly back to your brand.
  • Build deeper connections with your audience through posts that educate, solve problems, entertain and create genuine engagement.

🏛️ How Content Pillars Work

As shown in the infographic, content pillars are broad themes that tie directly into your brand and signature style. When you post under a specific pillar, every piece of content reinforces the value you bring to your audience. The idea is to make sure all your posts tie back to these themes, which creates consistency and authority over time.

Pillar Examples:

For coaches, your content pillars could look like this:

  • Foundations of Business Success Break down a complex idea that is needed in business into simple, actionable steps for your audience.
  • Biggest Business Failures to Avoid: Help your audience avoid these big biz mistakes and offer them the clarity on the alternative options.
  • How I Started My Business: Share real-life stories of yourself or clients and how business started for yourself. These stories will show that you are a human too and inspire your audience to see themselves in your solutions.
  • Client Case Studies: Share the value you provide and begin making offers based on the results of your client case studies


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🚀 Types of Posts That Work with These Pillars

You can use all of the post types and the ideas for posts within each of these pillars. For example

  • Edu-taining Posts: Share a “Day in the Life” post that’s both educational and engaging. This could be a reel showing how you use specific strategies to get results for your clients.
  • Recommendations & Testimonials: Highlight client wins! Show how you’ve taken someone from where they were to where they are now.
  • Motivational Stories: Get your audience inspired with your story of both success and overcoming obstacles. Let your audience in on your story or behind-the-scenes moments that they can relate to.
  • Make the Sale: Don’t be afraid to offer your services! Just make sure it’s aligned with the value you’ve already provided in your content.

đź“Ś Pro Tips for Using Content Pillars Effectively

  • Stay Consistent: Use your pillars as a guide to maintain consistency across your posts. This way, your audience always knows what to expect from you.
  • Keep It Simple: Focus on a few key pillars. Trying to be everything to everyone is a tactic that always fails. Specialize in the areas that best showcase your skills and solutions.
  • Engage Often: Engage with your audience! Ask questions and create conversations, and make them feel a part of your community.

🎯 Take Action: Define Your Pillars Today!

Now that you know the power of content pillars, it’s time to define your own. Here’s a quick exercise:

  • Write down 3-5 broad topics that tie into your niche.
  • Under each topic, brainstorm 2-3 types of posts (e.g., client testimonials, how-tos, behind-the-scenes).
  • Use this framework to guide your content for the next month.

Remember, your Signature Style is what sets you apart. By using content pillars, you’ll not only position yourself as an expert but also keep your audience coming back for more.

Ready to start booking more clients through your unique Signature Style? I’d love to hear what your pillars are! Hit reply and share them with me, or if you need help defining them, let’s chat.

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